Seth Harris

Position on Maz: Social Action Programmer.

Hi, I'm Seth Harris and I'm this year's regional social action programmer for WPA. That basically means that I program social action activities for conventions and coordinate regional social action events throughout the year. I very excited about this year and hope that my ideas work well. But rather than bore you with my plans for this year, I'll bore you with a brief history of me and Y.J.
I got started in the movement in third grade through my sister, my cousin Jon, who is something of a legend amongst Young Judaea veterans, and my best friend. They had all done Y.J. before and finally convinced me that it wasn't for religious freaks who didn't like sleeping comfortably in their own beds. So I went on my first shabaton. The impression that was first made was that this was a wonderful place to meet and hang out with friends. However, I wasn't the ideal participant for the leaders, who I didn't acknowledge were real people until later into my Y.J. career. Then when I was given a job as the newspaper editor along that same friend in fifth grade things started to come to light for. I started to notice who did what in order to make things work. That's when it really hit me that we were peer lead, and that the people running things, for the most part, were just older kids. Slowly but surely, it sunk in that they were young members of Young Judaea once too and that if they could become leaders, I could become a leader. In seventh grade I helped program a meeting for kids in grades 3-5. Then in grade I received leadership training and I began leading 3rd-7th grade events. Last year, when I was in ninth grade, I headed the pittsburgh club of Young Judaea and held successful bi-weekly meetings and activities for kids my age and older. All in all, I have had an amazing time with Y.J. and can honestly say that I love this movement and am proud to be an active part of it.

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